About Us

Our Raw Experience

Our  commitment to the lifelong journey of optimizing our own health has led us to further exploring and educating ourselves on canine health. When we adopted our fur-child, Walter (Golden Shepherd) at 4 years old, he weighed a lovable 130 lbs. From day one we couldn’t stop telling him how handsome he was. Despite, we couldn’t help but notice his extra fluffy physique, challenges with mild exercise like going up and down stairs, anxiety and constant heavy breathing.


Knowing we needed to make significant strides to improve his health, we approached his lifestyle alteration as we have with our own- through simple health practices of a species-appropriate diet, sufficient movement, fresh air, sunshine… and of course lots of extra love! Having friends and family whom have put their dogs on raw diets and noticed tremendous health benefits, we decided to transition Walter to a raw food diet. Within about 4 months of the lifestyle changes, Walter was down to a very healthy maintenance weight of 95 lbs. Most importantly, we noticed an increased love of life, radiant energy, alpha agility and endurance, and great strides on improving his anxiety. We now joke that he’s “too healthy!”

Rustic Mutt Mission

It is said that the healthiest and strongest leaders of the pack often begin by feeding on the internal organs of their prey. With this in concept in mind, we wanted to make a primal experience that provides quality, affordable, and convenient raw food blends to help regain, maintain, and optimize your dog’s health!

While there are many feeding techniques out there, we believe the *best one* is the one that allows your dog to live their happiest and healthiest life! And sometimes that takes time and experimenting to find the right fit (as we know!). Whether our food is all you choose to feed, or just part of the puzzle, we are confident it will make a substantial impact on your dog’s wellbeing.